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Eastern Young Farmers' awards 2007
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Eastern Young Farmers' awards 2007

Awards presented at Eastern Young Farmers' Club dinner. Awards won during 2007 were presented by club president Suzanne Corlett at the Eastern Young Farmers' Club dinner at the Ascot Hotel, Douglas where Louise Slater from Abbeylands, Onchan received three trophies for judging livestock during farm visits.

Louise was the overall winner and also gained the awards for the best girl and best member between 12 and 21.

Other successful members were: Under 12, Kirree Quayle; 12-18, Vicki Hargreaves; over 21, Richard Kermode; best lady over 21, Helen Radcliffe; reason giving, Tara Masson; senior linear stock judging, Nicola Smith; junior linear stock judging, Kayleigh Masson; quiz trophy, Paul Watterson; public speaking, Susie Fargher; best Eastern member at all Island YFC competitions, Jenny Stowell; best Eastern member at Christmas prime stock show, Suzanne Slater; club attendance award, Lucy Webster.

Several club competitions were cancelled during the year owing to the foot and mouth precautions.